Katrina Networking

I am using my networking and marketing skills to pass along vital information to organizations, volunteers and survivors of the 2005 hurricane season. Grants, networking, advocating, assistance resources, articles and more. Updated regularly to better assist you.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Katrina-Rita-Ville Express

The Gulf Coast Housing Recovery Act (S.1668) is an important bill that would help low-income families return home by ensuring that adequate affordable housing is available. One of the bill’s co-sponsors, Senator Mary Landrieu (D-La.), recently offered several amendments that would directly benefit Alabama storm survivors. But the bill is languishing in the U.S. Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee, where Senator Richard Shelby (R-Ala.) is the ranking member. If Senator Shelby would allow this bill to come up for a vote, it would pass overwhelmingly – but he refuses to budge. Please let Senator Shelby know that you support this legislation and want action NOW!

On May 1 and 2, a FEMA trailer called The KatrinaRitaVille Express will be in Birmingham, Ala., to help rally support among Alabama residents and send a message to Senator Shelby about the urgent need for the Gulf Coast Housing Recovery Act to help hurricane survivors.

Please join us in Birmingham and see for yourself what life is like inside a FEMA trailer.

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Thursday, May 1
Noon, Greater Birmingham Ministries Economic Justice Table
Speakers will include Mary Fontenot, executive director of All Congregations Together; Katrina Survivors living in Birmingham, Zack Carter, organizer, Alabama Arise; and representatives of UUSC and Greater Birmingham Ministries.

Greater Birmingham Ministries
12th Avenue and 23rd Street North
Birmingham, Ala.
Tel: (205) 326-6821

5p.m., Tour The KatrinaRitaVille Express, a FEMA trailer.
Thousands of people are still living in these toxic trailers, recently classified by the Centers for Disease Control as unsafe for habitation. For more information about The KatrinaRitaVille Express, please visit www.krvexpress.org.

7 p.m., Gulf Coast Update –The Struggle Continues
Music and program
Darryl Hunt, president, Unitarian Universalist Church of Birmingham will introduce speakers who include Mary Fontenot, executive director, All Congregations Together; Zack Carter, organizer, Alabama Arise; and Bev Hoffman, UUSC. Katrina survivors living in the Birmingham area will also be present. Singer Gigi Hines from Mississippi will perform. Admission free; donations to The KatrinaRitvaVille Express are encouraged.

Unitarian Universalist Church of Birmingham
4300 Hampton Heights Drive
Birmingham, Ala.
Tel: (205) 945-8109

Friday, May 2
9 a.m. – noon, Tour The KatrinaRitaVille Express

Join us in a show of Gulf Coast solidarity outside the Federal Building. Be part of the delegation that lobbies inside Senator Shelby’s office. If you are interested in taking part, please e-mail Jack Zylman (jzylman@bellsouth) or Helen Rivas (Helen @ helenrivas.com).

Federal Building
5th Avenue North and 18th Street
Birmingham, Ala.

Laura Katz ParenteauAdmin. Assist./Disaster Relief Coord.City Action Partnership1801 Third Ave. NorthBirmingham, AL 35203
Email: CAPbham@aol.com

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