Katrina Networking

I am using my networking and marketing skills to pass along vital information to organizations, volunteers and survivors of the 2005 hurricane season. Grants, networking, advocating, assistance resources, articles and more. Updated regularly to better assist you.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Books On Katrina Recovery

As I have time, I'll be posting more links to books regarding the rebuilding of Pearlington, Waveland, Bay St Louis, Kiln and the rest Hancock County. If you know of any, please let me know.

I've long held I wouldn't advertise anything that was a for-profit endeavor, but I think at this point, they need to be shown in an effort to prove rebuilding has yet to be complete.

The first is Pat Holt's Rebuilding Pearlington. She's a lady from basically all over the nation, having served in the military and after retiring, took up photography. I wish her memoir included many more of her photographs, but perhaps she is working on a separate book for those.

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Anonymous Samantha S said...

what kind of resources,I have tried everything I believe is out there and my family and I are still homeless.It makes me feel hopeless and I dont know whatelse to do.

27 June, 2009 17:01  
Blogger Leslie said...

Please email me.
I can't promise anything except to really try to help you find what you need.
KatrinaCoalition @ aol.com

27 June, 2009 17:29  
Anonymous spongebob printable coloring pages said...

YEAH , I TOTALLY AGREE ,it is a international concept .looking forward to her photography things on tech post .

30 September, 2009 03:39  

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