Katrina Networking

I am using my networking and marketing skills to pass along vital information to organizations, volunteers and survivors of the 2005 hurricane season. Grants, networking, advocating, assistance resources, articles and more. Updated regularly to better assist you.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

A Quilt For Hurricane Survivors

Fortitude - A Quilt For Hurricane Survivors copyright 2007 leslie holly

I had decided to make a quilt for a gentleman on my Real People Relief site because he had moved back into his house without it being finished, without there being heat or hot water, without having a bed. I found out from his daughter what size bed she was buying him, and a few things about him and set about designing a quilt for him.
I'm a 5th generation quilter and take very much after my great grandmother, loving scrap quilts. So, I made this quilt with shirts or fabric donated by about 8 different people. While working on it, I looked at the names of the blocks - for they all have names - and was astounded at how appropriate they are. WhirlWind and Flying Blocks. WOW. The names, along with his sheer stubborn nature, I chose to name the quilt Fortitude.

Left Block - WhirlWind
Right Block - Flying Squares

I have written the directions up for anyone to use - trying to focus on the beginner. Here, I am supplying enough information for experienced quilters to work with. However, since the directions are 4 pages (With graphics), I can't post all of it.

The directions include a picture of a finished quilt, pictures of the blocks, the layout, the arrangement of some of the pieces, a table for figuring out size/size of block/number of blocks and working in "rounds" (round 1, round 2, etc.).

If you would like the directions via email, there is no cost. KatrinaCoalition@aol.com
If you would like the directions hard copy, email me for the address to send a whopping $5 to. I need to cover my costs. I'll send the directions and if you know what size blocks you'll use (I have 6"-12" listed in the directions), I'll print them up for you as well. If you're a beginner, I'd suggest 9". It's a great size to learn on without being too big.
As I make more of these, I'll post their pictures. If you make one, I'd love to post the picture of that as well! It's a great design that will work up in any color scheme. I'm pretty proud of it.
"During" the making of Fortitude.

I found a great site that has a yardage calculator far more accurate than the software I was using...
3/12 Just sent this off to a great lady who teaches at the Hancock County schools. Yes that's snow.
3/13 - Just heard from the "head quilter" of the group - 2 boys have joined the group of quilters and she'll be taking pictures as time goes on. Woo! I told her to tell the boys some of the most dramatic quilt designs have been by men - Giant Dahlia, Lone Star, Star of Twilight and my mom says Double Wedding Ring. Those are all 100 year old designs too!

3/9 A school in NH:
A quilt has been started here! After school yesterday, seven girls and two staff members started a weekly quilting meeting to make a quilt for your program. All these girls are beginners.
Becky A., our resident quilter, thought the "Fortitude" pieces were too difficult for beginners so she is using a simpler design. Becky said once she has these girls better trained they'll go with a Fortitude quilt.
They are hoping to have the first quilt finished early to mid April. We'll work out sending it to you or down to Mississippi then.
This is an exciting way to pick-up again with our Katrina efforts. I'm glad Miss Jeanne got us in contact.
3/19 - Now that I know the age of the beginners, WOW - the work they are doing is incredible!
Follow their progress in Pictures:

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Best blog I have seen all day. Kids doing a good thing for a good cause. It is also nice to see kids today sewing. Great work!!!

21 April, 2007 20:18  

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