Katrina Networking

I am using my networking and marketing skills to pass along vital information to organizations, volunteers and survivors of the 2005 hurricane season. Grants, networking, advocating, assistance resources, articles and more. Updated regularly to better assist you.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Collect Campbell Labels For Hancock County Schools

It is this easy. Go to www.labelsforeducation.com for more information. Ask your friends to collect these labels and either collect from them, or ask them to send them individually.

You can collect these either at a party setting, as a challenge to other departments within your company, or throughout your apartment complex/community.

Each product has a slightly different part of the label that is needed (of course), but for the most part, it is as simple as cutting the lable off and stuffing it in an envelope.

As you can see, there are tons of different products that can be used toward this program that has been going on for YEARS. Why not use it? The Gulf area achools can use the help, and these labels are as good as money in the pocket! So what if you can't donate it all at once? Giving these throughout the year will add up to a huge sum.

Trust me.

Start a community, apartment complex, company department challenge. See who can save the most in a month or even a year? It can be a fun and easy way to help more than you'd ever know. Just send them in a normal envelope to:

Hancock County Schools

7070 Stennis Airport Drive

Kiln, MS 39556


Blogger Leslie said...

You're welcome!

If there is more you want to do - or are willing to do, please contact me. I'm always adding info to the blog (obviously), but it would be GREAT if you were willing to contact local schools about an upcoming post - once the 12 Days are done - that will list all sorts of ideas they can do to assist any school of their choosing.

Obviously, my heart is in Hancock County, but I know others are in need as well, so don't expect everyone to use the information exclusively for Hancock County. Which is one reason I am trying to find a list of affected schools - am hoping I found a person who knows.

Stay in touch.


01 January, 2006 22:53  

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