Katrina Networking

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Thursday, July 13, 2006

Web Publishing For Katrina Victims

Welcome to Think New Orleans

Think New Orleans helps New Orleans use the Internet. We host Internet Workshops for nonprofit and neighborhood organizations, as well as small businesses.
We show you how to use the Internet as your productivity office suite, with classes in calendaring, collaborative authoring, and mailing list management.
We show you how to use the Internet for advocacy with classes in web publishing, Podcasting, email marketing, and online photo albums.
These workshops have been a great success. We’ve helped a number of neighborhood organizations get off the ground with their own web site.

In This Issue
Get Your Own Professional Web Site Now
Workshops at Xavier
Open Door Workshops
DeSaix Area Neighborhood Association
Get Your Own Professional Web Site Now

When you attend the Web Publishing 101 you will learn how to maintain your own web site. The web site employs a content management system, so you don’t have to learn HTML.
Because the web site is in a newsletter format, adding new content is as easy as writing an email message.
When the Workshop is over, you’ll get your own web site with your own domain name, or you can transfer an existing domain name if you like.
Internet Workshops are either for nonprofits or for businesses. Please make sure you attend the appropriate workshop.
Web Publishing 101 for Nonprofits
When: Thursday, July 6th, 2006 at 6:00 pm.
Where: New Orleans Housing Resources Center at 1832 Felicity St.
Cost: The workshop is free for nonprofits. The web site has a $10.00 materials cost.

Web Publishing 101 for Businesses
When: Monday, July 10th, 2006 at 1:00 pm.
Where: New Orleans Housing Resources Center at 1832 Felicity St.
Cost: The workshop is $60.00 for businesses. The web site has a $60.00 materials cost.

Internet Workshops at Xavier
Think New Orleans will now host Internet Workshops at the Center for the Advancement of Teaching at Xavier University.
The Center for Advancement of Teaching (CAT) offers a state of the art computer teaching lab.

Web Publishing 102 for Nonprofits
When: Saturday, July 8th, 2006 at 1:00 pm
Where: 5th Floor of Library Resource Center (Library 534) Xavier University
Cost: The workshop is free for nonprofits.
The CAT teaching lab is arranged with rows of 13 Macintosh G5 computers and 24 Pentium PCs, an a Smart Symposium with a Macintosh and PC computer for the instructors use.
This facility is indeed a laboratory. With it, we will be able to rapidly develop new Internet workshops. The quality of equipment and the controlled environment means that new workshops can be conducted with a minimum of hardware glitches.

Thank you to Bart Everson and Xavier University for making this resource available to community and neighborhood organizations.

Open Door Workshops
Think New Orleans now offers open door workshops at the New Orleans Housing Resources center. With the Open Door Workshops, you will be able to apply the tricks you’ve learned in the Internet workshops. It’s a follow up, a refresher, a place to try out your new skills and ask questions.

Open Door Workshop
Starting: Thursday, July 6th, 2006 at 3:00 pm.
When: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm.
Where: New Orleans Housing Resources Center at 1832 Felicity St.
Requirements: Attendence of one regular workshop.
Thank you to Paul Baricos, Charmaine Smith, and Dwana Makeda of the New Orleans Housing Resoruces Center.

The New Orleans Housing Resources Center is a smartly appointed office space that conducts workshops for homeowners and home buyers. They have a 5 Pentium computers for workshop use and a wireless network. This space and assistance has made the web publishing workshops possible.

DeSaix Neighborhood Association
Please stop by the DeSaix Neighborhood Association web site, maintained by Internet workshop attendee Wayne Benjamin.

This is not a static brochure web site. Nor is it an overly complex message forum. It is a straightforward, yet highly effective content management system for neighborhoods.
It is a neighborhood newsletter to publish information. A built-in bulletin board gathers neighborhood feedback.

Wayne uses this forum to publish meeting agendas and minutes, and to announce important events. Regular contributions from neighbors show how effective a web site can be to share information within a neighborhood.

Alan Gutierrez


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